Environment and Climate Change (CV880)

Course Name: 

Environment and Climate Change


M.Tech (Environmental Engineering)


Open Electives (OE)

Credits (L-T-P): 



Earth climate system. Greenhouse gases, global warming and its impacts on the water resources. Observed changes in the global climate: temperature and precipitation and its consequences. The scenario frameworks of climate change – RCPs, SSPs and SPAs. Global Climate Models and down scaling. Climate change in India. Application of models to understand the environmental and socio-economic impacts of climate change. Future socio-economic change and climate change. Impacts, vulnerability and adaptation. Initiatives of climate change impact mitigation in India and challenges for water security.


Journals: Global Environmental Change, Climatic Change, Journal of Water and Climate Change, Regional Climate Change, Nature Climate Change. IPCC Reports, Govt of India Reports Carter, T.R. and Mäkinen, K. 2011. Approaches to climate change impact, adaptation and vulnerability assessment: towards a classification framework to serve decision-making. MEDIATION Technical Report No. 2.1, Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Helsinki, Finland, 70 pp. Feenstra, J. F.; Burton, I; Smith, J. B. and Tol, R. S.J. 1998 Handbook on Methods for Climate Change Impact Assessment and Adaptation Strategies


Civil Engineering

Contact us

Prof. Basavaraju Manu,  Professor and Head
Department of Civil Engineering, NITK, Surathkal
P. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangalore - 575 025
Karnataka, India.

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