Structural Masonry And Alternative Building Technologies (CV325)

Course Name: 

Structural Masonry And Alternative Building Technologies (CV325)




Programme Specific Electives (PSE)

Credits (L-T-P): 

(3-0-0) 3


Stresses in masonry, Strength of masonry in compression, Brick – Mortar Bond strength, Elastic properties of masonry materials and masonry, Design of masonry walls under vertical gravity loads; Analysis and design of masonry domes and vaults, Construction of masonry domes and vaults, Problem of lateral thrust; Concepts in alternate roofing systems, Filler slab roofs, Composite beam and panel roofs; Alternatives to wall construction, Rammed earth, Stabilized mud blocks; Energy in building materials and buildings, environmental friendly and cost effective building technologies.


Hendry, A. W., Sinha, B. P., and Davies S. R., Design of Masonry Structures, 3rd edition, E & FN Spon 2004. 1) Drysdale, R. G., and Hamid, A. A., Masonry Structures: Behavior and Design,4th edition, The Masonry Society, 2018 2) Jagadish, K. S., Venkatarama Reddy, B. V., and Nanjunda Rao, K. S., Alternative Building Materials and Technologies, Second edition, New Age International Publishers, 2018 IS : 1905 – 1987, Code of Pracactice for Structural Use of Unreinforced Masonry, Third Revision, Bureau of Indian Standards, (Reaffirmed 2002)

Contact us

Prof. Subhash C. Yaragal,  Professor and Head
Department of Civil Engineering, NITK, Surathkal
P. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangalore - 575 025
Karnataka, India.

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