Sitaram Nayak


Professor (HAG)

Date of Joining at NITK: 

Tuesday, December 29, 1992

Professional Experience: 

Total : 33 years

At NITK : 30 years

Contact Details


snayak [at]


0824-247000 ext 3341



Academic Background

Academic Background: 


  • Ph.D. (Indian Institute of Science Bangalore), 2000
  • M.Tech. - (Indian Institute of Science Bangalore), Jan 1990
  • B.E.- (KREC, Surathkal (Now NITK Surathkal), 1986
Areas of Interest
  • Soil behaviour

  • Ground improvement techniques

  • Earth pressure

  • Slope stability

Supervision of Ph.D

Ongoing: 1
Completed: 8

Significant Publications

1. Vibhoosha, M. P., Anjana Bhasi. and Sitaram Nayak. “Three dimensional analyses of geocell reinforced stone columns supported embankments on lithomargic clay”. International journal of Geomechanics and Geoengineering, 2022.

2.  Sitaram Nayak, Manne Balaji and Preetam H K “A study on the behavior of stone columns in a layered soil system.” Journal of Transportation Infrastructure technology, Springer publication, Vol.7, issue 1, March 2020 (ISSN21967202, DOI: 10-1007/S40515-019-00090-   x.). (PISSN 21967202)

3.  Preetam H K and Sitaram Nayak (2019). “Experimental investigation on the stabilization of soft clay using granulated blast furnace slag”. IOP series: Material science and manufacturing technology, 561(1), October 2019, pp 1-7 (doi:10.1088/1757- 899X/561/1/012047). 

4. Sekhar, D.C. and Nayak, S. “Utilization of granulated blast furnace slag and cement in the manufacture of compressed stabilized earth blocks” journal of construction and build materials, Elsevier publications Vol-166 Page 531-536, March-2018 (SCI- DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.01.125)

5. Sitaram Nayak, R Shivashankar and M R Dheerendra Babu," Performance of Stone Columns with Circumferential Nails”, Ground Improvement, ISSN: 17550750, UK, 164(2), May 2011, pp.97-106.(DOI:10.1680/grim.2011.164.2.97)


Contact us

Prof. Basavaraju Manu,  Professor and Head
Department of Civil Engineering, NITK, Surathkal
P. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangalore - 575 025
Karnataka, India.

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