Lab Facilities and Equipment

List of Software in CAD/CC Laboratory:
  1. Plaxis 3D
  2. Plaxis 2D
  3. Oasys
  4. ABAQUS Software
  5. AutoCAD


List of Specialized Equipment and Details

Transportation Engineering Laboratory

  • Testing of Granular Materials
  1. Automatic Soil Compactor
  2. Loading Frames
  3. Permeability Test Setup
  4. Sieve Shaker
  • Testing of Bitumen
  1. Penetration Setup
  2. Ring and Ball Apparatus
  3. Pensky-Martens Apparatus
  4. Ductility Testing Machine
  5. Thin Film Oven
  • Pavement Evaluation
  1. Fifth Wheel Bump Integrator
  2. Skid Resistance Tester
  3. Benkelman Beam
  5. Axle Weigh Pads
  • Testing of Bituminous Mixes
  1. Asphalt Mixer Vertical (5 litres)
  2. Asphalt Mixer Vertical (20 litres)
  3. High Shear Mixer
  4. Automatic Marshall Compactor
  5. Digital Marshall Apparatus 
  6. Centrifuge Bitumen Extractor
  7. Gyratory Compactor
  8. Wheel Rut Shaper
  9. Wheel Rut Tester
  10. Repeated Load System (5 tonnes)
  11. Immersion Wheel Tracker
  12. Asphalt Mixture Density Meter
  • Other Equipment
  1. Hot Air Oven
  2. Hot Water Bath
  3. Deep Freezing Unit

Surveying Practice Laboratory

  1. Chain
  2. Prismatic Compass
  3. Surveyor's Compass
  4. Plane table and Accessories
  5. Dumpy Level
  6. Auto Level
  7. Theodolite
  8. Digital Theodolite
  9. Total station
Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory :

  1. Triaxial testing machine
  2. Rock testing machine
  3. Digital direct shear test apparatus 
  4. Tilting flume 
  5. Consolidation apparatus
Engineering Geology Laboratory :

  1. Resistivity Meter
  2. Rock Samples 
  3. Mineral Samples
  4. Petrological Microscope
Environmental Engineering Laboratory

           Equipment Name                                                          Equipment Details

  1. Gas Chromatography                                                Thermo Fisher Scientific- Trace 1110
  2. High performance Liquid Chromatography                Agilent Technologies-1260 Infinity
  3. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy                               Systronics- SYS-816
  4. UV-Vis Spectrophotometer                                        Systronics- 2206
  5. Ion Selective Electrometer                                         Orion- 940
  6. Flame Photometer                                                     Systronics- 128μC
  7. High Volume Air Sampler                                           Polltech Instruments Pvt LTD.
  8. Electronic weighing balance                                      MELTER ML204/A01
  9. COD Digester                                                            Spectro make 2025D
  10. Vertical Autoclave                                                      Kethan makePA-21
  11. GPS Multiparameter water quality analyzer              Hanna equipment HI9829-11042
  12. Peristaltic Pump                                                        MICLINS make- PP-20-4C-EX
  13. HI Speed Centrifuge                                                 REMI R-24
  14. Laminar Air flow cabinet Vertical                               ROTEK Instruments RLV-42
  15. BOD Incubator                                                          KEMI KBOD 12
  16. Ultrasonic Cleaning bath                                          Skytron make

Bioprocess Engineering laboratory

           Equipment Name                                                          Equipment Details

  1. Digital Ultrasonic Cleaner                                          Labman Scientific Instruments (LMUC-3)
  2. Heating Mantle                                                           KEMI- KHM-5
  3. Digital colony meter                                                   Lapiz #0671M
  4. Hot plate                                                                     KEMI KHPE-3MS
  5. Water bath                                                                  EQUITRON #7505
  6. Soxhlet Apparatus                                                      KEMIKSEA- 1a
  7. Bacteriological Incubator                                           SCIENTECH SE-128

Advanced Asphalt Characterisation and Rheology Laboratory :

  1. Dynamic  Shear Rheometer System
  2. Pressure Aging Vessel with Degassing Unit
  3. Rotational Viscometer System
  4. Capillary Viscometer System
  5. Rolling Thin Film Oven
  6. Deep Freezing Unit
  7. Ring and Ball Apparatus
  8. Asphalt Penetration Device
  9. Hot-Air Oven
  10. Weighing Balance

Geotechnical Earthquake Laboratory :
  1. Shake table
  2. Accelerometers
  3. Laser Displacement Gauges
  4. Pore water pressure gauges
  5. Displacement gauges
  6. Data logers

Geotechnical Model Testing Laboratory :
  1. Model Testing Tank Loading Frame
  2. Hydraulic Jack
  3. Sand pluviation Set up Landslide Flume
  4. Rainfall Simulator
  5. LVDTs Geo 5 Software

Geo-disaster Prevention Laboratory :
  1. Landslide flume (Earthquake and rainfall) Tsunami flume-dam break model
  2. Offshore wind turbine foundation Cyclic loading facility

Engineering Rock Mechanics :
  1. Acoustic Emission Monitoring Setup
  2. Rock Compression Testing Machine
  3. Digital Datalogger
  4. Low-Temperature Oven
  5. High-Temperature Furnace

Environmental Geotechnical  Laboratory :
  1. pH meter 
  2. Conductivity meter
  3. Hot plate Orbital shaker
  4. Magnetic stirrer 
  5. Multi shaker spin. 
  6. Hot air oven Distilled water unit

Transportation Design Studio Laboratory :

  1. Radar Speed Guns - 2
  2. Camera - 2
  3. Tripod - 2
  4. Batteries- 2
  5. Memory Cards - 2
  6. Desktop Pcs - 13
  7. Projector - 1
  8. Whiteboard-1

List of Software in Transportation Design Studio Laboratory :

  1. VISSIM 11.0
  2. CUBE 6.0


























Contact us

Prof. Subhash C. Yaragal,  Professor and Head
Department of Civil Engineering, NITK, Surathkal
P. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangalore - 575 025
Karnataka, India.

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